Conocer, A2chub
Ultimate College Counsellor
Admission Calculator Accepted Apps Essay Writer General Inquiries ¡Y muchos más!
Elevate your college application with AI
Empieza a escribir en 3 sencillos pasos
Cómo Funciona?
Paso 1
Sign Up / Login
Create an account through email or google authentication
Paso 2
Navigate the Assistant
After logging in, simply navigate to the AI Assistant from the left sidebar.
Paso 3
Craft the Perfect App
Ask the assistant any questions regarding college admissions or chanceme.
Descubra las herramientas de IA disponibles
El Máxima potencia de IA
AI Chat Assistant
Your Virtual AI College Counsellor
Specially fine-tuned with college admissions data. Applications from millions of accepted students. Custom tailored just for you.
¿Qué más es ¿allí?
Supervise y controle de cerca su uso de IA
Colabora con tu equipo para crear el contenido de tus sueños deseado
Organiza tus proyectos creativos
Plantillas personalizadas
Plantillas ilimitadas Para empezar
SmartAI Assessment Designer
Multiple Choice Assessment
Craft a multiple choice assessment for any lesson, skill, educational standard
Mixed Questions Assessment
Develop a quiz with mixed question types for any lesson, skill, or educational standard.
SmartAI Communication Suite
Professional Email Writer
Generate a formal and professional email or letter
SmartAI Homework Helper
AI Tutor - Step by Step Solution
Expert AI help on solving educational questions and challenges systematically
SmartAI Teacher Tools
Create a Lesson Plan and Content 2
Build a structured plan and content for a lesson or Academic Skill
Essay Writer
Compose an essay on any topic and grade level swiftly
AI Advisor to Improve Student Academic Performance
Improve student grades and educational outcomes with personalized Smart AI guidance.
Improve Student Behavior Performance
Smart AI for fostering positive student actions and conduct
Multiple Choice Assessment
Craft a multiple choice assessment for any lesson, skill, educational standard
Mixed Questions Assessment
Develop a quiz with mixed question types for any lesson, skill, or educational standard.
Professional Email Writer
Generate a formal and professional email or letter
AI Tutor - Step by Step Solution
Expert AI help on solving educational questions and challenges systematically
Create a Lesson Plan and Content 2
Build a structured plan and content for a lesson or Academic Skill
Essay Writer
Compose an essay on any topic and grade level swiftly
AI Advisor to Improve Student Academic Performance
Improve student grades and educational outcomes with personalized Smart AI guidance.
Improve Student Behavior Performance
Smart AI for fostering positive student actions and conduct
Lista de características
Única plataforma que siempre necesitarás
Lo tenemos cubierto desde todos los aspectos de generación de texto y audio de AI para permitirle concentrarse solo en la creación de su contenido.
Knowledge Based AI Assistant
Crea y entrena tu plantilla personalizada única y disfruta
Variedad de idiomas
Chat with Assistant in more than 54 languages and increasing
Visualiza tu Soñar
Crear arte e imágenes de IA con texto
Nuestros precios
Sencillo Precios, Imbatible Valor
Suscríbase a su plan de suscripción preferido o recargue sus créditos y comience
$5.00 / por mes
Características incluidas
- GPT 4o 100,000 palabras
- AI Writer Feature
- AI Article Wizard Feature
- Smart Editor Feature
- AI ReWriter Feature
- Función de chats de IA
$10.00 / por mes
Características incluidas
- GPT 4o 250,000 palabras
- AI Writer Feature
- AI Article Wizard Feature
- Smart Editor Feature
- AI ReWriter Feature
- Función de chats de IA
$39.00 / por mes
Características incluidas
- GPT 4o 1,000,000 palabras
- AI Writer Feature
- AI Article Wizard Feature
- Smart Editor Feature
- AI ReWriter Feature
- Función de chats de IA
Compatible con PCI DSS
Únete a las 10.000+ empresas que confían A2chub
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